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Imported vehicles are sometimes hard to find parts and replacements for and typically are more costly for the high-end glass that is required for Minin’s and luxury cars, however, Auto Glass Express has partnered with a wide range of original glass manufacturers that provide us with quality glass inventory to better serve you, saving you both time and money. Our auto glass technicians are certified by the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards Association and have the experience to professionally perform the installation in a quick timely manner for your Mini. We make it easy to obtain a FREE quote online, in person or over the phone, our customer service specialists handle all comprehensive insurance paperwork, leaving you with a 0 deductible and no out-of-pocket expense. Depending on your insurance provider, and the type of plan available, you may qualify for a cash bonus of up to $300.

迷你品牌车辆是一家小型经济英语英国制造商公司。从标准双门轿跑车到敞篷车的运动型和预科时尚。Mini's是一个舒适的巡洋舰,却宽敞,尽管它们是一个小型紧凑型品牌,但它们还是在2 DR和4 DR设计的,这使其适用于旅行和乘客。



  • 迷你库珀敞篷车 - 对于那些喜欢太阳和新鲜空气的人来说,这个品牌的电源顶部在几秒钟内折叠平坦,并且可以在自上而下地跟踪机动时间 - 五月的头枕和魅力,5月有一个很小的后备箱,但仍然很有趣。


